Home Products FLAGPOLES AND BASES Spike Bases

Eco No Bearing Spike

- SKU:EcoNoBearingSpike
- Solid iron rod electroplated with chromium
- Light weight
- Strong
- Portable
- Plastic dust cover
- O ring keep tight with flagpole
- 2 years quality warranty

Product Description

 "Eco No Bearing Spike" is a budget-friendly alternative to a traditional spike base for supporting a pole or flagpole. Instead of using a bearing mechanism, it employs a plastic tube or sleeve that allows the pole to rotate with the wind.

The plastic tube acts as a low-friction interface between the pole and the base, allowing for rotational movement. This design enables the pole to sway naturally with the wind, reducing stress on the pole and increasing its overall stability. By allowing rotation, it helps prevent the pole from getting tangled or damaged during windy conditions.

The "Eco No Bearing Spike" offers a cost-effective option for those seeking a simple and functional base for their poles or flagpoles. While it may not provide the same level of smooth rotation as a bearing mechanism, it serves as a practical solution for basic pole support, particularly in situations where a limited budget is a consideration.

Overall, the "Eco No Bearing Spike" with a plastic tube provides a budget-friendly alternative to traditional bearing-based spike bases, allowing for some rotational movement and improved stability for poles or flagpoles.

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